Control a lamp with the BeagleBone Black
Project Type: BeagleBone, Electronics
Software: None. Done through terminal ssh
OS: Debian
Kits/Part Source: Getting Started with the BeagleBone Black Kit, PowerSwitch Tail II
Project Source: Getting Started with BeagleBone by Matt Richardson
This project covers the GPIO pins of the BeagleBone Black. It is a project found in the book Getting Started with BeagleBone by Matt Richardson
1-10 Ratings
IKEA Rating - 10
The instructions were well written and easy to follow. The pictures are accurate and the terminal commands are are explained with each step.
Tony Stark Rating - 1
The reader will need to know a little bit about how to wire electronic components to a breadboard.
Mr. Wizard Rating - 10
The first little exercise covers how use GPIO pin 44 as an output by controlling and LED.
Writing the Values to power on the LED
Using the GPIO pin 45 to control an LED
The next exercise covers how to use GPIO pin 45 as an input by reading a momentary push button.
A momentary push button wired to GPIO pin 45
Reading the values of the momentary push button
The book then goes on to cover how to control a lamp by wiring the BeagleBone Black to a PowerSwitch Tail II.
BeagleBone Black wired to a PowerSwitch Tail II and Lamp
It works by controlling the PowerSwitch Tail II with Shell Scripts
Writing a Shell Script with the Nano Text Editor
Controlling the PowerSwitch Tail II with Shell Scripts
Controlling a Lamp with the BeagleBone Black
Then the book explains how the Shell Scripts can be scheduled by using Cron.
Scheduling the Shell Scripts with Cron
There are some minor differences but it is almost exactly like the projects I did with the Raspberry Pi.