Making the Arduino Talk to the Raspberry Pi
Project Type: Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Software: Arduino IDE, Python3 IDLE
OS: Raspbian/Noobs
Kits/Part Source: Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Project Source: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Book by Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace
This week I got the Arduino to talk to the Raspberry Pi. The project is pretty basic. The Arduino counts from 0 to 255 in a loop
Sketch counts to 255 in a loop
Then is sends data to the Raspberry Pi via the serial port. The data is displayed in a python shell
Data displayed in a python shell
1-10 Ratings
IKEA Rating - 10
Super simple instructions. Worked exactly like it said it was going to.
Tony Stark Rating - 4
Yes the project was simple but I needed to know how to use command line in terminal in order to make sure I had the python serial library.
apt-get to get the python serial library
I also had to be familiar with both the Arduino IDE and the Python3 IDLE to complete the project.
Arduino and Python
Mr. Wizard Rating - 10
I learned how to utilize the Arduino with Python in a Linux environment.