MakeHuman model is too large when imported into Blender 3D? Here's why, and this is how to fix it
Operating System: macOS Sierra
Blender Version: 2.78a
MakeHuman: Version: 1.1.0
The Issue:
So you've made a model to in MakeHuman and you've exported it using the new mhx2.
Now it is time to work on it in Blender but when you use the MHX2 Runtime, the model is way too large.
What Happened?
If we look at the statistics for the model in MakeHuman we find the height of the model is 168.69 cm.
Now if we look at the export options in Makehuman, we find the scale units were set to decimeter.
That means the model exported out to 16.869 dm. So what went wrong?
By default, Blender is set to its own unit system. So the model was imported at 16.869 Blender Units.
What's the fix?
Just export the model from MakeHuman again but this time, set the scale units to meters.
In Blender, before importing the Model with the MHX2 Runtime, go to the properties panel on the right hand side of the screen, select the Scene properties and change the Units Presets to Meters.
When the model is imported now, it will measure about 1.68 meters in height.